Aqua + Oak

Buying + Installing a Pool Questions
How long does it take to build a swimming pool?
- The short answer is that from the day of excavation, it can take between 4 and 8 weeks.
- The longer answer is that the time it takes to build your pool will depend on several different factors including the size of the pool, the features included, the size and complexity of the deck and always a factor, the weather.
- From the day you sign the contract, many things have to happen before excavation can begin including financing (if desired), HOA approval, finding and marking utilities and permits from your city or county.
- Permits can sometimes hold up the process, it all depends on what city you live in and the time of year. Your Aqua + Oak project manager will have a better idea of how long your city and county permitting might take.
Does a swimming pool add value to my home?
- Yes. Normally you will receive an estimated 75% of the value of the pool. Keep in mind, the more of an experience you create in your backyard with landscaping, the more money you will get back on the pool.
What if I have a small or difficult yard to work with?
- Our expert designers at Aqua + Oak can design an enjoyable backyard no matter the size. You will be surprised at how a small backyard can have the most innovative design.
Do you install above-ground pools?
- No, we specialize in designing and building your own private, backyard oasis. Where you, your family and friends will create memories for a lifetime.
Are you licensed and insured?
- Yes, we are licensed by the state of Mississippi and will provide proof of insurance upon request.
Do you provide references?
- Absolutely! You can also view a gallery of some of our work here.
Do you offer a warranty?
- Yes, we offer a standard warranty on parts and equipment.
Do you offer estimates or quotes over the phone?
- Since every pool is different, we cannot provide quotes or estimates over the phone. All of our expert designers need to access a pool to assess the work necessary before we can provide an accurate estimate.
Pool Owner Questions

What pool services do you offer?
- Our highly qualified maintenance and repair technicians can service, upgrade or rehab your pool. Specifically, we offer:
- Cleaning & Maintenance
- Pool Repair
- Renovation + Restoration
Why do I need regular, weekly service and cleaning when my pool stays fairly clean?
- During warmer weather, with more people using the pool for longer periods of time, chlorine levels go down quickly. Regular servicing and maintenance, including brushing and vacuuming is required to keep algae at bay.
- It is important to remember that while a pool might look clear, that does not mean it is clean and safe for swimming.
Is there a simple formula for adding chemicals to my pool?
- Unfortunately, there is no simple formula for adding chemicals to your pool. Each pool is unique and requires a different amount.
Why am I using more chemicals than last month?
- As pool usage increases or if the water temperature rises, chemical usage can be affected and could be one of many reasons why you are using more chemicals than last month.
- Weather and many other physical and environmental factors can also affect chemical usage.
Why can’t the service technician clean my pool in one visit?
- Depending on why the pool is not clear, it may take a few days. If you have metals and phosphates, you have to treat each cause separately.
- Remember, just because a pool looks clear and clean, does not mean it is.
Why is my pool green?
- Green water can be caused by any number of factors, or a combination of several including algae growth from phosphates or metals in the water.
Can I provide my own pool chemicals?
- You can, but they need to be the correct type of chemicals, stored properly in a secure area that our technicians can access.
- It is important to note that the quality of pool chemicals varies. If you are using your own chemicals, we cannot guarantee water clarity.
Why do we need to clean our cartridge filters periodically during the season?
- Dirt, debris and other contaminants like iron, phosphates and calcium can inhibit the operation of your system.
- They cause an increase in pump pressure preventing optimal performance and leading to additional wear and tear on the equipment.
- Regular cleaning and servicing of your cartridge filter prevents this.
Why do I have to check the pool and maintain the heater if your company maintains the pool?
- Our highly experienced technicians make sure your pool water is balanced and all systems are running while we are there. However, we aren’t there daily.
- Checking the pool daily, and especially after a storm, helps maintain optimal performance and assists in extending the life of your pool and preventing many maintenance and service issues.
- When we are not present, you need to check the pool physically for any issues, maintain the water level, check for obstructions that could block the flow of circulation to your pool and empty the skimmer baskets.
- Running the heater weekly for a half hour or so, even if it is not needed, will dry out the heater and discourage small animals and insects from moving in.
I am a regular customer, what do I need to do to maintain my pool when the service technician is not there?
- Make sure that you keep the water level maintained, keep the skimmer baskets clean and physically check the pool daily.
- If you have an automatic cover, try to keep it clear of accumulated water and debris to avoid damaging it.
- Keeping the cover open during a heavy storm will also avoid damage.
Why do I have to empty the skimmer baskets?
- Skimmer baskets must be cleaned regularly. Clogged skimmer baskets block the flow of water, which can burn out the pump motor and prevent the heater from working.
Why should I shower before entering the pool?
- Shampoo, soap, body lotions and oils can make a pool’s systems work harder and throw off the water balance. This means your pool requires more chemicals and more treatment. Showering prevents many issues and helps ease the burden on your pool.
Why do I need to remove toys from the pool?
- Toys can block the water flow and circulation in the pool. This can damage pumps and heaters.
What is the importance of maintaining the correct water level?
- The water level in your pool needs to be halfway up the skimmer mouth (or halfway up through the tile line) for proper skimming action, filtration and for the heater to properly work.
- The pump and piping can be damaged if the water level gets low enough for the pump to draw air.
Why is the water level in the pool going down?
- You can have ¼ inch or more of evaporation at certain times of year. This depends on water temperature and pool usage. Significant loss of water may signify a pool leak.
- If you are a current customer and losing a significant amount of water in your pool, please call us at 662-844-1308.
Why isn’t my pool heater working?
- Here are a few things to check before calling for service on your heater:
- Is the heater on?
- Do you have fuel (propane or natural gas)?
- Did you recently get a fuel delivery?
- If you did, a failure to properly vent the line after filling will not allow the pool heater to fire.
- Where is the water level in relation to the skimmer?
- The water level in your pool needs to be halfway up the skimmer mouth (or halfway up through the tile line) for proper skimming action, filtration and for the heater to properly work.
- The pump and piping can be damaged if the water level gets low enough for the pump to draw air.
- Is the skimmer weir (flapper) closed or stuck open?
- Does the heater show a code?
- If you have a spa, was the system left in “spa mode?”
How much do you charge to open, close and service a pool?
- We will provide you with a quote after our pool service technician visits your home to evaluate your pool, equipment and access.
Why is there so much debris in my pool at opening when I had a cover on it and it was cleaned and serviced before I closed it?
- You will probably get a good bit of sediment from a mesh cover over the winter from loose debris and storms. Sediment, dirt and debris can seep through or slip under a mesh pool cover.
How soon after I open my pool can I swim in it?
- You can swim in your pool when it is clean, the water is balanced and it is warm enough.
Why do I need a Porta-Vac?
- To clean the heavy debris from the pool that comes in the winter, we use the Porta-Vac system. This portable vacuum pump and filter keeps the larger debris out of the pool and filter system.
I am not opening my pool this year. Is there anything I need to do?
- Pools must be cleaned and debris-free before closing. They must also be winterized properly, treated with chemicals and have a secure safety cover. The pool should be serviced once a month to check the water level and water balance. If chemicals are added, your pool needs to be circulated by a portable pump supplied by the service technician.
How does well water affect my chemical balance?
- If there is a drought, water levels can get low in the well and churn up a lot of debris and metals like iron, manganese and copper. This can affect your swimming pool chemistry and water balance.
Why do I need to drain my spa so often?
- Spas have much less water than a pool and are more likely to get contaminated with body oils, lotions and bacteria.
- Spas are heated to a higher temperature which can make bacteria grow faster and can cause skin irritations and rashes.
- Another common reason is the presence of a high TDS level. This is the level of total dissolved solids in the water and is a sign that your water is saturated with chemicals that make it tough to clean, sanitize and maintain water clarity.
Why do I need to change my safety grates on the pool drain?
- Pool drain grates or covers deteriorate over time and should be replaced.
Why do I need to drain and clean the pool?
- If the pool appears scaly (very rough, sharp surfaces), sharp or dirty; or if the level of total dissolved solids in the water is above 1500 ppm, your pool should be drained and cleaned. The best time for a drain and clean is in early spring.
I have a newly plastered pool. Why does it use so much acid?
- New plaster has a very high Ph (alkalinity) and can require a season to stabilize. Acid helps stabilize the pool and decreases the alkalinity.
I have a salt chlorine generator installed in my pool. Why does it use acid?
- Salt chlorine generated pools use sodium hypochloride, which is very high on the Ph scale, usually 12.5-13.5 on a scale of 14. Since pool water needs to be between 7.2 and 7.6 Ph, adding acid to your pool helps maintain the proper Ph levels.
- If the pool water is higher than 7.6, the pool becomes alkaline, which causes scaling (very rough and sharp surfaces) and calcification of salt cells. If the pool is below 7.2, the water can become corrosive and eat metals and equipment. The proper balance is necessary to maintain the health and fitness of your pool and the safety of your swimmers.
Why do I need to clean salt cells in my salt chlorine generator if the Ph is balanced every week?
- Without proper cleaning and maintenance, contaminants can build up and inhibit the performance of your swimming pool.
3112 Cliff Gookin Blvd.
Tupelo, MS 38801